Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Stroller outing

The new stroller came today! It's orange and lightweight and adorable, and it nearly took my thumb off when I was snapping on the canopy. Undeterred, I tried taking it out, first to the Post Office to pick up my Flonase (not there, of course) and then on to Bloc 11 and the playground. Here we are, for example, near the Target underpass:

The contrast isn't so good, but the message is clear: the monster has little indulgence for the joys of consumerism.

At Target, we acquired our first sippy cups. But he can't use them yet, so this doesn't really count as something new.
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1 comment:

Anna said...

Well, I fucked that up! Though it's tempting to blame Rob, who used my computer to write his posts tonight.
