Sunday, July 27, 2008

Germs are everywhere seems Magoo simultaneously came down with conjunctivitis, a stomach flu, and a general flu. Here's him sitting on his potty, chewing on a broom.

Magoo managed to infect one eye (my left one), cause 4 people to vomit multiple times (an aunt, 2 uncles, and a mother), cause diarrhea in everyone around, and leave in his wake general misery.

Today he seems better. Normal shit, nearly normal behavior. We'll see...I'm off to the toilet.

Friday, July 18, 2008


Some summarizing of the last month and a half. Magoo can now:
-sit up
-pull himself up
-drop himself down
-mimic a kissing sound
-no longer claim to be toothless

Here's a video of the kissing act...all of the action is at the start.

In this one, the unifang makes a brief cameo.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Corner pool

The pool on our block is open for the summer!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I'm still Magoo-less. Here's a video from a few weeks ago.
